Stocking Gift 

Stocking gifts really are the best.  How can we avoid lumps of coal in our stocking come December 25th?  ‘Nice’ nutrition habits, that is how.

Nice nutrition habits equate to rational thinking, moderation, and avoiding extremes. Naughty food habits equate to irrational thinking, excess, and thriving on extremes.


What qualifies you as ‘naughty’ or ‘nice’? Check out these habits below!

– You do not eat a consistent number of meals each day.
– You do not hydrate consistently.
– You know how to eat a buffet’s-worth but not a single plate.
– You try to ‘out-exercise’ a bad diet.
– You do not prepare in advance.

– You eat a relatively consistent number of meals each day.
– You hydrate consistently.
– You can carefully craft a single plate but take no interest in going overboard.
– You understand that food is fuel and will change how you look.
– You prepare in advance.

Whether you see it as lumps of coal or an unfit physique; try being nice when it comes to nutrition.  Then let’s see what’s in your Christmas stocking.

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