I Need a “New” Goal

I started ‘officially’ bodybuilding in December, 2009 while beginning prep for my first competition.  From then until current, I have competed a total of eight times.  July 2019 was the last time that I stepped onstage.  Since then there has been our first born, a pandemic, and ultimately trying to stabilize the business.  Competing is in the back of my mind, like, all the time.  But I have yet to pull the trigger, and with that this has been the longest standing ‘offseason’ as a competitor (nearly 20 months, to be exact).  

After sometime I think that I simply need a goal as personal (to me) and challenging as competition prep.  Within this Fit Challenge time I wanted to keep things ‘simple’, and while trimming some off the waist while trying to add quality size is great-it’s just not enough of a goal (for me).  Therefore…I am changing my current goal towards ‘sports-specific’ as I try and prepare for the 2021 NPC Lee Labrada Classic in July.  Along with this we are now shifting towards fat loss and increased muscle mass rather than weight gain.

What have I been doing and how have I been doing up to this point with the challenge?  Well, I have been training hard four times per week with the following weekly split:

    • Day 1: Legs
    • Day 2: Chest/ Shoulders
    • Day 3: Back
    • Day 4: Arms

This is a more ‘traditional’ bodybuilding split routine.  The purpose of such is that the total volume for each body part is so great that it demands splitting up each muscle group into separate days.  

As for my nutrition habits, it has been a work in progress.  But in trying to ‘lead with activity’ as my first focus, I have now gained more consistency with the eating as well.  I am now getting a full six meals per day on more than one occasion throughout the week, hydration is on point, and I am keeping up with recovery.  Let’s see where this newly-adjusted goal takes me this next week!

Yours in Health,                              

Coach Seena                    

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