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Summer is Here: Summer Fitness Tips

Summer Is Upon Us

It’s a season for catching some sun with family & friends, and enjoying the refreshing water of the swimming pool. As we plan to purchase a new bathing suit for the season, our physical appearance comes to the forefront. We want that ‘Summer Body’. And in order to achieve that summer body, we look towards the latest dieting/fitness trends as we frantically try and achieve our desired look.

Summer Fitness Tips

Here’s some fun, evidence-based summer fitness tips that might be helpful:

  • Did you know that in order to lose weight in an ideal fashion, you should aim to lose between 1-2 lbs. per week? Take into consideration the amount of weight you wish to lose and give yourself a realistic timeframe!
  • Men seek muscle mass and women seek tone. Did you know that both goals are accomplished by the same means-resistance training with progressively heavier weights?
  • A part of the ideal summer body is ‘washboard abs’. Did you know that you can’t spot fat-reduce? So say ‘goodbye’ to workout routines which involve 1,000 crunches-this will not help you attain muscular abdominals!

Have more questions regarding these summer fitness tips or would like additional information? Contact StrongFound Personal Training and get the information first-hand from the qualified and dedicated personal trainer, Seena Khonsari.

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